A-i pune cuiva capac

A-i pune cuiva capac = To put someone’s lid. To put a lid on somebody – just because it sounds better.
So what does a Romania have to do with a lid except for using it in the kitchen? Well, when you’re Romania you can apparently close someone’s mouth with a lid, kind of leave the person speechless and not because you are too great but actually for the wrong reasons.
A pune capac in its variety can mean to close someone’s mouth with an appropriate answer but if “asta pune capac (la toate)” = “asta e prea de tot” – this is (just) too much
Ex. Am vorbit cu colega mea de la muncă și mi-a zis ceva ce mi-a pus capac. 🪙🪙🪙
A vorbi – to speak
Muncă – work
Ceva – something

